Do you want to enter my giveaways but don't really know how? Signing up for a Google account can really be a blessing when entering blog giveaways. It makes it fast and easy to enter giveaways, subscribe to blogs and stay connected with friends. Here's a quick tutorial on how to create a Google account without creating a blog!
First you need to go to and enter some basic information;
First you need to go to and enter some basic information;
Submit this form once completed, then log into your email and click to verify your account.
In the top right corner of the screen showed above, click on sign in. Enter your email and password and it will bring you to a profile page. You never have to visit this page if you don't want to but you now have a way to use Google Friend Connect with your favorite blogs (AKA ME)! and enter my giveaways. I hope this helps! Enjoy!